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  4. 科朗設備(蘇州)有限公司(Crown Equipment (Suzhou) Co., Ltd)簽約購買我公司產品Visual Enterprise 6.41 ERP系統


    2006年03月28日,科朗設備(蘇州)有限公司(Crown Equipment (Suzhou) Co., Ltd)簽約購買我公司產品Visual Enterprise 6.41 ERP系統。 位于蘇州新區的科朗設備(蘇州)有限公司是世界領先的美國叉車制造商- Crown Equipment(www.crown.com) 公司投資設立的。經過近一年的選型,最終科朗選擇了不同于美國總部使用的ERP系統,看重的正是INFOR VISUAL產品的優秀功能和科箭強大的本地 化支持和服務。

    Crown manufactures electric lift trucks used in transporting materials and goods in warehouses, distribution centers and manufacturing environments throughout the world. Privately owned, Crown is focused on providing solutions that mean improved performance for our customers.
        Crown is the number one brand of electric lift trucks in the United States and the sixth largest lift truck manufacturer in the world. The company"s full product line includes manual propelled pallet trucks and stackers, power pallet trucks and stackers, sit-down and stand-up counterbalanced trucks, narrow-aisle reach trucks, very narrow-aisle turret trucks, order picking equipment and forklift trucks.


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